Services Overview

Professional Development Coaching including Leadership Coaching and Professional Assessment in Seattle, Washington

At Transition Dynamics, we believe that a successful engagement is when the client no longer needs our services. We offer the following services, our clients walk away with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to make change work to their advantage now and in the future.

Executive Coaches & Leadership Coaches
One-on-one confidential coaching sessions are designed to help you discover and develop the interpersonal and professional skills you'll need to be most successful. Through a mutually committed and engaged partnership, we'll work together to build your ability to observe and engage in relationships, challenges and opportunities that affect your ability to enjoy and achieve your goals. By the end of your coaching engagement, you'll be equipped and confident to meet the demands and expectations that present themselves in your life and at work. Click here for answers to the Frequently Asked Questions about Leadership Coaching.

Duo Coaching(tm)
No other professional development coaching company provides this cost-effective and exponentially impactful method of coaching. Duo Coaching(tm) is where two individuals are coached together by a master Duo Coach(tm) toward mutually developed goals that benefit their careers and the company they serve. By serving as one another's feedback partners, clients master the leadership skills critical for making effective assessments, engaging conflict and communicating with transparency. Real-time feedback and accountability amplify the impact and immediacy of behavior change. Click here for more information about Duo Coaching(tm).

Professional Assessments
You can't provide the right answers if you don't know the right questions to ask? Information gathering and analysis provide an accurate picture of primary and secondary contributors to targeted issues. Using industry and customized assessment tools, hidden barriers, as well as known obstacles, are identified and defined. A practical and user-friendly approach is used to provide a description of the presenting issue(s) and its component parts. Click here for more information about specific assessment tools.

International Retreats
Transition Dynamics is located in Seattle, Washington, but also hosts custom retreats in Ecuador where engagement in cultural and indigenous experiences offer a unique and powerful way toward personal and professional development. Please contact Mimi Welch directly if you are interested in hearing more. She can be contacted at p. 206.650-3268 or

Training & Public Speakers
High energy and interactive motivational speeches and lectures have been delivered to small and large audiences at national, regional and local events. Workshops and presentations are customized to meet the industry issues and real-life concerns facing the audience. People walk away more excited and better prepared to deal with the topic presented. Below are a sample list of topics and presentations:

  • Leadership Coaching
  • Organizational Change
  • Personal Transition
  • Intergenerational dynamics
  • Gender at Work
  • Personal Empowerment